Tehnička škola Pirot

Technical school in Pirot has recently celebrated 144 years of its foundation. There are few schools in Serbia that can boast of such a long tradition.

In the course of its many years of existence, our school has changed location, names, teachers, students, educational profiles and curricula, but something has remained the same to this day - generations of students have grown up and acquired knowledge in various industrial fields.

Our school has produced generations of successful and highly qualified personnel of various educational profiles, without whom the industry of the town of Pirot is unimaginable. Many former students of our school are successful in all fields after graduating from college.

On September 30th 1878, immediately after the liberation from the Turks, our school started operating in Pirot under the name: the Trade and Crafts School. The former apprentices of respected masters had an opportunity to become trained craftsmen. The country became more legally regulated. In 1892, the Ministry of Economy regulated the establishment of Vocational Secondary schools by law. The teaching was more practical and very little theoretical. These vocational schools in Pirot operated until the beginning of the First World War.

Between the two world wars, there were opportunities to establish vocational schools on the foundations of the previous ones. The Trade and Craftsschool was popularly called the Men's school, because only boys attended it. Before the war, girls hardly went to vocational schools. The Women's Craft School - popularly known as the women's school - educated the first kilim weavers in Pirot in 1904. The first organised education of kilim weavers was organised in our school although kilim weaving dates from the 9th century AD. With their striking colourful designs, "kilims of Pirot" became renowned all over the world for their beauty and quality. Back then, schooling didn't last like it does today, 3-4 years, but much shorter. The students were taught tailoring, sewing, carpet making and general subjects. After finishing school, the weaver could work and earn money. And the most beautiful thing, many of the carpets that they have woven have been found in palaces and residences in our country and around the world. This is the greatest reward for these hardworking hands.

World War II was even more devastating. An industrially underdeveloped country is even more devastated. Peace also brought a change in education. The sudden boom of industry in Pirot required better educated workers. Educational profiles have changed - such were the demands of the market.

In the 80s and 90s, the generation of electrical technicians, mechanical technicians, car mechanics, turners, locksmiths and electricians acquired knowledge in all fields in this school, which was then called the School for Students in Economy and Industry "Milentije Popović". Today they are successful and respected in their professions.

The path from TheTrade and Crafts School up to the current Technical Schoolwas thorny, but successful. Trophies, diplomas and plaques decorate our school. The certificates of the first, second and thirdRegional andRepublic rewards in competitions are indicators of the dedicated and persistent work of our students and teachers.

The cooperation between the school and the business has strengthened, because the Technical School always tries to respond to the demands of the business. Modest workshops have been replaced by superbly equipped laboratories, robots, CNC machines, computers. Today, Technical school is a modern and well-equipped schooland the biggest educational institution on the territory of Pirot district. Currently there are around 661 students attending Technical school and 70 employees with different professional qualifications. The electrical, mechanical and traffic professions are represented in Pirot by the most attractive and modern educational profiles: Information technology technician, Mechatronics technician, Road traffic technician, CNC machine control technician, Vehicle electronics technician, Technician of renewable energy sources and Driver of motor vehicle. Our main goal is to respond to the labour market needs and provide students with vocational training for high-demand professions. In order to fullfill its main goal, Technical School in Pirot has introduced dual education for two profiles, CNC machine control technician and Mechatronics technician with the support of the local companies.

The combination of old and new, traditional and modern has always been the key to success and progress. On the foundations of the old and known, we build an even better future for the generations yet to come.

1st EPAL of Eleftheroupolis

 1st EPAL of Eleftheroupolis is a Vocational School. Our students are between 15 to 18 years old. We educate students in five educational fields:

1. Electical Engineering

2. Mechanical Engineering

3. Management and Amdinistration

4. Computer Science

5. Agriculture and Food Technology

This school year, in our school work 36 teachers and study about 280 students.

The most of our teachers live in Kavala, a big city which is 15 kilometers far from Eleftheroupoli and the most of our students live in different villages around Eleftheroupoli. 
